Wednesday, June 25, 2014

These Boys

Figured I better write before it's been a whole month again! Again, we've been busy. We all started summer camp. We go 3 days a week and after I was off 2 weeks it was super hard to get back in the swing of things. We had Mark's graduation dinner for the seniors early June. It was nice to dress up and get out and even better that he earned an award! The following weekend we had dinner with friends before they all move this week and go separate ways. It's hard to say good-bye. Although I know we'll keep in touch, but I don't know if I'll ever see them again. AND reality is here that this will be us next year. By this time, hopefully our house will be sold, truck will be loaded, and we'll be off to a new place for a year. Oh and that's with a 5, 4, and 9 month old. If Mark had his way I'd be pregnant again by next summer! But no, that's a little much on my plate.

But as for now, the boys are nearing 4 and 5. I just can't seem to believe it. Some of my favorite things about this age and sayings that I don't want to forget are happening right before my eyes.

Bently: loves to shower by himself. If he even sweats a bit, he thinks he needs one.
             very independent
             loves going to school
             best friends are Lilly, Lacy, Liam, Randall, and Bennet
             God our fadder, God our fadder, we thank you. Should be God our Father.
             Great eater. Eats whatever I make.

Anderson: Still a mommy's boy at heart even though he has lost the look.
                  Insists on me going downstairs with him the minute he wakes.
                  Combertible for convertible
                  Junk eater
                  loves his dad and misses him terribly when he's gone.
I scream and holler and am not the patient parent I wish I was, but these are fun days. I love this age and the love that these 2 have for each other. They are into pretend play with each other and are excited about have a new baby brother. Not sure if they will ever call him by his name.

They/we are excited about the Bankses coming to visit this weekend. The boys are actually going back to Louisiana with them for a week. They are dying to make a trip there and I had no plans of going that way anytime soon, so this will work out nicely. Then I'll meet Mom at the beach with them the following Saturday. Mark has an interview in Durham, NC so we'll actually get a night away together. I really can't remember the last time we've done this. Or had the opportunity rather without having to pay for a sitter.

I know a lot are going through rough times and others such joyous times, but I want to share a point our pastor shared this past Sunday. His sermon was about the life of Ruth. She was a constant, dependable woman that no matter the circumstance, she was there with her mother in law. Their husbands had passed and Naomi felt that she was no longer needed and nothing good would come out of her life. However, it did and just goes to show that God takes ordinary people and allows them to do extraordinary things with their life. He used the illustration of a gps map where only you see the blue dot. You can't see the beginning and the end and know what will happen along the way, but he does. We know the journey we have been through this far, but haven't a clue what will happen next or tomorrow even. It's just a thought that I really related to and hold close that he is still working in us all and has plans to bless us. No matter what, he is the same and is there through whatever the season, but will you choose life?!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Just a little update!

Ummm so it's safe to say I haven't exactly been on top of things lately when it comes to keeping up with the blog. Sorry! The end of school and boys playing sports and whatever life has thrown our way just kept me busy. Honestly a few afternoons i'd think about updating but sitting in peace and quiet sounded better. I won't try and back track but I will update pictures and you'll soon figure out what's been going on with us.

First soccer practice together!

Easter Egg hunt at church

Our visit with cousins in LA!

Easter Sunday

Little baby brother!

First camping trip at Petersburg campsite.

Headed on Mommy/son date to Mandisa!

Strawberry picking!

Maybe 22 weeks?

March of Dimes walk for Baby Benjamin.

Sucking his thumb. We always try and sneak a peak when Mark is on call.

Quick trip to Atlanta one Sunday for an Ikea run.

Last day of preschool/MDO

Nothing like a convertible ride with shirts off!

Little Graduate!

Kayaking the canal memorial day weekend with the other set of cousins!

Baby Brother at 24 weeks

Hopefully I'll be better at updating since it's summer. I am working three days a week to give us something to do. We joined the YMCA for the boys to have a place to swim. Mark leaves tomorrow for his first fellowship interview, so prayers appreciated for safety, guidance, and us both to have patience while God reveals his plan to us. It's so easy to want and get ahead rather than waiting and seeing what will come our way. Love to all, Amber

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A baby is on his/her way!

Guess it's official now. I've made it past the point I was last time when I lost Baby Shrub and feel it's ok to share. A little one will be joining us in September and the four of us couldn't be more proud. Anderson's vote is for a boy and Bently is pulling for a girl! As far as names, a boy-George Washington and a girl-Maggie McKinley. Yep, that is Bently's choice of names. This one came as a surprise. I had no clue I was pregnant, but had still been praying for a baby for us. I can remember feeling sick one night and sent Mark a text at work that this would be a good sick. Time rocked on and I finally took a test never really thinking it'd be positive. It was! Excited, but nervous we chose not to tell anyone just to make sure. The bump popped out rather fast so the girls I work out with picked up on it quicker than ones that don't see me in fitted clothes. I had my first ob appointment last week and the baby is growing and has a strong heartbeat, Praise the Lord!!! I haven't been sick, but rather gag when I brush my teeth. I'll take it though. No real cravings, but I love the thought of root beer, fruit, sweet things every now and then, and sushi. Please join us in praying this baby will grow and stay put for at least 38 weeks! We don't need any more preemie babies!

The boys began soccer last week. They were as cute as ever. Bently has improved a good bit over the year. We cut it short to go drop Mark off at the airport. He spent a few days in New Orleans for a conference. He had a 5 min presentation on a paper he presented. You read right...a whole trip for 5 minutes, BUT in his defense most of the work was done here researching and putting it all together. He has started a challenge at the gym to lose weight. He's doing very well and being strict on himself. Training a few times a week and eating way better. It's worth every penny to me for him to feel good again and take care of himself. The past several years have not left a lot of him time to do things like that, so I'm happy he has finally made up his mind and i'm here to support him. It's 12 weeks long, so hopefully I'll share a new picture of him in a few months!

Next week is Spring Break for us, so we are headed to Louisiana for a visit. I dread the drive, but it's just selfishness on my part. I know the boys need and want to see grandparents and cousins and family is important to me. Mark's parents will be coming out this summer and I'm sure Mom will too, so not sure when the next trip in will be.

Have a good week,

**I'll add pictures soon!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The boys had their annual St. Patrick's Day Parade last Friday at school. Each class dresses up for the parade any way that they wish. Parents come and the kids parade around for them. It's always a cute 15 minute activity!

The boys had their "meet and greet" for soccer Saturday only for no coach to show. We heard that he is a pastor and most of the team goes to his church so maybe that's why he wasn't there? Not sure, but practice should start tomorrow. I'm curious as to how this is going to go down with them both playing and on the same team. Should be fun to watch!

Obviously Anderson's class has already started talking about Easter because when we were in the car the other day, he started telling us that Jesus had a stick in his hand. It hurt really bad and made blood. It made a cross. I was happy and impressed. I love them being in a Christian preschool just to go along with what they get at church. Another conversation a few days later. Anderson: "When can God come to our house and give me a motorcycle?" Bently: "God doesn't come to your house to do that. He made the roads and stuff when we were babies a long time ago." Funny listening to the convo in the back seat. Mark was saying how many was in our family the other night and Bently was fast to correct him that we had a baby in Heaven. "How do we get babies from Heaven?" I said when we go to see Jesus one day we will see the baby then. He wanted to know if we could come back home after that. These boys keep me thinking and on my toes. I never realized how much a 3 year old (then) was able to comprehend about losing a baby. Amazing!! For now, lets just think about fun - kid stuff!

I know I say it often, but I feel we should give him the praise that he deserves. We found out last week that we do not owe taxes this year!!! I was prepared, but God is good and hears our prayers. I can't get over how much or life has changed just by being faithful and tithing monthly. He has surely provided just as he promised to do.

Hope you all have a great week! It's cold and nasty here today, but should be back sunny and 70 later this week!

Monday, March 3, 2014


So for Christmas the boys received a trip good for a Disney cruise. We were hoping they were a good age and would be ready for this trip and boy were they! Anderson has already told us that he wasn't going to talk or hug the characters, but he would take a picture with them. That was plenty fine with me. he changed his mind and loved the them. He even cried because we ran out of time to get a picture with Cinderella the last night.

Bently kept trying to imagine how big this boat was going to be. Mark was trying to prepare him! Early Sunday morning before we could get on the boat we drove them down to the port to see all of the cruise ships. He was shocked! We made it on the boat about 1 that day and the rest is history! Their first stop was to get an ice-cream cone. If you've never been on a cruise, this is always open so you can get it whenever...breakfast if you want! :) I believe the earliest we got one day was 11! They were impressed with the bunk beds in our room and the fact they got chocolate EVERY night along with a towel animal. We watched Frozen again in the theatre in 3d and saw several shows different nights. They also had a kids club where the kids could go play if parents wanted/needed a break. Well, ours would rather play with us! Everything with Disney was top-notch. Mark and I have cruised with Carnival and Royal Caribbean. This was by far the nicest. Staff was friendly. Our waiters interacted with the kids and knew just what they wanted every night. We did the beach on both islands. They were breath-taking. Both were secluded so no waves and the kids played all day long. It's not a restful vacation when you are running kids back and forth to the bathroom and such, but it's a fun and memorable trip! The pictures below prove it!